
The service is free to start, run and complete auctions. There are some optional extras available at a small cost, details here -

Free with all auctions
Fundraiser Lite

  • Maximum 300 promises (lots) per auction
  • Commission free, you choose how payments are collected
  • Choice of date and time for end of bidding
  • Bidders participate on mobile, tablet or laptops - no need to download any apps
  • Unlimited number of bidders
  • Choice of invitation only or open to all
  • Fundraising goal meter
  • Quick and easy communication between bidders and promise contributors
  • Instant outbid and winning bid notifications
  • Auction admin gets list of winning bids at auction close and functions to manage the auction
  • 1,200 (local currency) total bidding limit (lifted with the Full Package)
  • Optional transition of online auction to your live event

Optional features



Bid Maximiser

  • Everything in Fundraiser Lite, plus -
  • Additional bidding time added were necessary to allow ALL bidders to get their final bids in. learn more
  • Bidders can set a reminder to bid on promises that they are interested in
  • Fully detailed auction reports inlcuding all promise details, contributors, all bidders and their maximum bids
  • Report of promises offered by contributors for future auctions (including expected value based on the current auction)
  • All reports downloadable in Excel format for printing or analysis
  • Follow-on auction function to make use of repeat promises
  • No advertisments are displayed on the auction
  • Email support for all above

if you already have Bid Maximizer


gets everything: Fundraiser Lite, Bid Maximiser and Full Package


Full Package

  • Everything in Bid Maximiser, plus -
  • Full auction catalogue - provides a full overview of what your auction offers. (configurable, printable and downloadable).
  • Total bidding limit per auction of 1,200 (local currency) increases to 40,000
  • Bidding sheets (a printable record of online bidding, with room for continued bidding at your live event)
  • Email support for all above

* Prices are commission free (not a percentage of the amount raised)