
Welcome is a fundraising platform to make the running of a promises auction both successful and easy.

The service started in the UK has enabled fundraising for thousands of great causes, many becoming an annual event.

It is free to run auctions up to and there is no commission. Optional features to enhance your auction are available.

How it Works & FAQs

An auction can be started in minutes and participants invited to donate promises and take part online. All auctions are mobile friendly with no apps to download.

Full auction management facilities are provided as bidding progress towards your target. Auctions can conclude online or at your live event.

Find out more     FAQs

What has been improved?

NEW So here is the list of recent enhancements to the site to help make your auctions easier to run and even more successful.. read more

Free to run auctions

To maximise the funds you raise, auctions up to 1,200 total (local currency) are free and there's no commission.

New features and running costs are funded by a small charge for optional extras. details here.


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what could you promise?

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Some of what's going on...
